Sunday, March 30
How Do I Find The Lido Deck, Captain Steubing?
So...until I can get back to you, thanks for all of your sweet messages to Bailey! We'll keep you posted ;)
Saturday, March 29
Back That Bus Up
My sweet Bailey had a very bad pain in her back while at work. By the time she got home, she was in tears. Thinking it might be a muscle spasm, Advil and bed was the plan. By 4AM, she couldn't move so good and we had to decide which was worse...4 or 5 hours in an Emergency Room or wait until 7AM and take advantage of the walk-in at her regular MD's office. We went with the walk-in...only 3 hours more to wait.
Diagnosis: Very bad kidney infection. Possible kidney stone. CAT scan, ultrasound. Possible hospitalization.
Outcome as of now: Resting at home with meds, plenty of fluid and rest.
She's feeling better and all cruise plans are on hold. is messy ;)
Thursday, March 27
This Just In

We've cruised before but never in this part of the Caribbean...
And this will be our first time on this ship, Enchantment of the Seas....
We tossed this around for several days because I am hesitant to leave my Mom. She seems to be doing pretty good...even went out to lunch today..and my sister Dawn and my Aunt are both here. I know everything will be okay.
Anyway...we leave on Monday which leaves me 3 days to get everything together. Of course, where I go the laptop goes, so I hope to be able to have all of you right there with me ;) You know...a blogland cruise might be fun. When I worked at the hospital there were 9 of us that cruised about 4 years in a row...what a blast and there is a group discount, too!
I'll be here for a 3 more days, so I'll let you know how the prep is going...I do my best work under pressure. Ack.
Wednesday, March 26
It Was A Special Day
I picked up my cousin James and we tried to decide where we wanted to go. He hasn't been to WDW since the late 70's and there was only one park back then. The Magic Kingdom and his memories were all about "kid stuff". James is a very special person and has had to deal with mental handicaps and shortcomings just about his whole life. But, he has managed to carve out a very nice place for himself, working a full time job and running his own booth at a Flea Market in Virginia. His specialty is baseball cards and comics and he knows just about everything about baseball that there is to know. He always takes Spring vacation here in aunt and uncle have a home here and they spend several weeks here in the spring and fall. So...wanting him to fully understand that Disney's not just for kids, we decided to spend the day at Epcot.
We were meeting Bailey and somehow managed to get there a few minutes before her and there was nothing to do but wait. shoes look so clean...
The biggest thing going on there is Spaceship actually ride up in little tram cars on the inside of this ball. It's very cool and absolutely my favorite thing! So, everyone must have their picture in front of it...including James ;)
One of the most fun events is going on now..The Flower & Garden Festival. Aren't these sweet?
For those of you that don't know, there is World Showcase and you can immerse yourself in lots of different countries. The people that work at each of these attractions are actually from that country! Here is a 50 year old bonsai tree from China..
Next, a quick stop at the American Pavillion. There are "Flower Power" concerts every night as part of the many of us remember the phrase "Flower Power"??? The Guess Who, Petula Clark, Davy Jones (yes..that Davy Jones!), The GrassRoots, Herman's Hermits, Jay Black, Gary Puckett, Paul Revere & The Raiders...yikes.
Bailey & James as we got close to Japan.
On to Minnie's butterfly garden...
To this.
James doesn't dance, but we did have a wonderful day together and have already started planning his fall vacation!
Monday, March 24
A Bit Of This, A Bit Of That
Okay. I get it. You feel okay. Sheesh.
Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock. This has taken over our lives and our family room. My sweet pea daughter, Bailey, cannot get enough of it. The grandkids love it and the youngest is already up to the expert level.
Here's Bailey, dressed as a Victoria's Secret Pink Unabomber...
Our friends came over for chicken wings and I discovered that Jill is also addicted...
And, as Bailey is letting you know, Jill Rocks!!
I am looking forward to tomorrow. See, my cousin James is in town from Virginia and we are going to spend the day at our favorite place and I get to use my 2008 Annual Pass! The weather is will only be about 70 degrees tomorrow...perfect Disney Day!!
This was also a weekend for quiet thoughts. As impossible as it seems, my Dad passed away 24 years ago. There are times when it seems like just a few days ago but then there are those times when it seems like forever ago. He is still a very big part of our lives and we miss him very much.
Me & My Daddy
Disney report to follow...wishing you all a great week!
Thursday, March 20
It's Friday...And You Know What That Means...

Wednesday, March 19
Six Words

Can't really add much to that, huh?
**PS** Mom is doing great...feeling good, doing what she's supposed to, loving her little doggie...seems like all will be well. Thanks so much for asking :)
Tuesday, March 18
Just Catching Up

Steph is an incredibly talented artist and she tries to share whatever project she is in the middle of on Monday' that's the meaning behind "Monkey in the Middle Monday". Anyway...
I am working on a couple of different things for Friday Flea Market, and I'm in the middle of it, so here you go...

So, here's "Monkey in the Middle Monday".....on Tuesday. Story of my life..**sigh**
Monday, March 17
Thank You and Thank You and Thank You
Anyway...this will be a post of few words, but I must thank everyone for the good wishes and prayers 'cause it all seems to be working! Mom is home and on very limited activity. Just sitting around, watching some TV, doing some computer stuff...very quiet. No laundry, house cleaning, driving and even no art work...yet. We've gotten all of her new medication situated and she seems to be doing very well with that.'s a picture of her that I keep in my office, she was just 16...we love you, Mom.
And, I must send thanks to two very special ladies, Steph and Stacey, for giving me this wonderful award!!
These are both very talented ladies that I first became familar with when I saw their primitive folk art. Steph can paint like nobody's business and Stacey is an extraordinary doll maker (as well as a sister in the Rick Club!). I am still amazed at the many friends I have made and the things I have learned in the past months...and if I can bring a smile to anyone by sharing some of myself here, then that is very special. Thank You both!
I will be getting around to visit everyone in the next few days. ;) And, for those of you that are waiting for the Little French Girl, I should be picking her up today and she will be ready for travel! Details to you as soon as I am sure she is ready...
Thanks again for making Mom...and me...feel so very, very special.
Happy St. Paddy's Day !!!
Wednesday, March 12
A Broken Heart

She has her own blog, Pie In The Sky Studio, but since she doesn't quite get the whole "posting pictures" thing, she doesn't keep up with it as she should. Then again...she stays so busy, it's hard for her to find time to post! She's a very independent and self sufficient lady, attending art workshops and entering art shows as well as being very active in the local irish Club and one heck of a Crummy Rummy Card Player. Actually, her art was just on exhibition at the library for a month and she won a "People's Choice" award at a local art show last week. She's just discovered this passion within the last year and it's been quite a journey for her...
This is Mom's new puppy, Jake...she rescued him just a week ago and they were just getting to really get comfortable together when all of this happened. My sister Dawn, at Maebelle Park, is in charge of him...and since she's already got 4 dogs, what difference can this little peanut make? ;) How about them ears??
Anyway...I have not had the time to personally thank those of you that have stopped by...and I will..but I can't even begin to tell you how much that means to me **sniff**
I'll be back on track soon...if all goes well and I have extra time tomorrow (time?? WTF is extra time??) I hope to get some stuff together for Friday Flea Market!
Thanks for the kind words, the good thoughts and the sweet guys are the best!!
Monday, March 10
Riddle Me This, Batman

Friday, March 7
Friday Flea Market

Like before, I have my stuff listed at:
Mockingbird Hill: Vintage, Whimsy & HooHa
To see the rest of the treasures, go here: Friday Flea Market or click on the cute polka dot sign at the top of the sidebar...
Have fun and enjoy your weekend!
Wednesday, March 5
Johnny Castle

I haven't been around this type of cancer before, but I always think of Michael Landon when I hear those words. So quick.
Tuesday, March 4
And...More Spring
I am just in love with this plant...a new purchase from Home Goods. They are relatively new to the Orlando area and they are like the Barnes & Noble of home stuff. Doesn't this look real???
This precious nest is from JoAnn's and was a steal at just $4.99...including the eggs!! I am having a problem with my kitties though...don't know if it's the little feathers or just that grassy stuff, but they are so attracted to this. They keep eating the grassy stuff and I bet I've cleaned up kitty throw-up about 10 times since I put it out on Sunday afternoon. Ack.
This bird actually belongs to Bailey and she was sweet enough to let me use it for this fantabulous spring display. It looks like iron but it's a heavy resin. He's standing on a stack of old books that I've thrifted from here, there and everywhere. I'm really liking the orange cover on that top book.
And, the mandatory Cottage Book with pictures of cottages I'd love to see and/or live in! Another thrifted find...50 cents. Some days the finds are just better than others.
So far, so good. Now I did see some very cool stuff at Target, but that's a dangerous place. All common sense and budgets disappear when I walk through those electric doors. Target is like shopping crack...just when you think you've gotten everything you need, you have to go back for one. more. thing. But, that's a whole different post...
Happy Spring!