Tuesday, September 15

A HUGE Success

If you have stopped by here in the last couple of weeks, you saw the post about Harley.

harley sale crop

Harley is the young son of an office co-worker that has been diagnosed with brain cancer. If you missed that, you can meet Harley here and learn more about him.

Anyway…all of this hospital time and treatment expense is a bit overwhelming, so the office decided to have a Benefit Yard Sale, with all proceeds going to Harley and his family. Not only did so many in the office answer the call, friends and businesses joined right in! Donations ranged from household goods to advertising space for the sale ads…here’s how it all came together!




Do you remember when these carousel horses were the big thing? This one was losing his ribbon, but otherwise he was in great shape. Cost = $20…and he’s outta here!



This “NOEL” looked brand new….



Some beautiful coats were donated…and custom men’s suits from the UK!





This was my absolute favorite piece of furniture! Selling price?? $125 Can you even believe someone donated this?? Love the little hatbox cupboard at the top.




They were even selling puppies…just 9 weeks old. The proceeds from the sale of one puppy was to be donated…


It was a very long couple of days…nothing like a Mardi Gras jester in a baby blue teddy to keep you smilin’. :)


All in all….a huge, beyond our wildest dreams success. Total take?? Over $3,000, with more monies to come in. And, there was still some good stuff left to give to another office that will be holding another sale in October.

Thanks to everyone that was a part of this…from the workers to the people that donated goods to those that couldn’t be here and shared a prayer…it would not have happened without all of you.

Thanks….so much.

1 comment:

Susie Q said...

What a wonderful event and all for a very special person. I am so glad lots of money was made but I know the family also feels the love
that came from all of you!