She is 23 years old and is an only child. A college grad, she is a manager at a very well known restaurant and concert venue in Downtown Disney (how appropriate is that??) and is the light of my life. She has also become the daughter that The Hub never had...
Just one more quick story and then I will stop bragging...but, just a couple of days before Halloween she turned onto our street and saw that one of the yards was completely covered in toilet paper! And, to make it worse, the owner, an elderly man with a walker for support, was out front trying to clean it all up. The TP was everywhere...lawn, bushes, trees...and the morning damp had made it break apart and stick everywhere. She happened to be talking to me on her cell phone at the time and as she told me what she was seeing she just said, "I have to stop and help him." And she did. She cleaned up and bagged up all of that paper...even getting it out of the trees. Once she got home she couldn't stop talking about it and wondering how he ever could have gotten it all. She had never seen him before and even though she passes his house every day, she hasn't seen him since.

I am so very proud of her and her accomplishments at this young age...and I am sometimes in awe of her kindness, caring and concern for others. The Hub and I are so lucky to have her in our lives...and no matter how big she gets or how far away she goes, she is now and will forever be my Boo.
Isn't it wonderful to have such a special child ( or children in my case) that makes you proud every day!! I am so glad I didn't succumb to the urge to kill them as toddlers..or teens...just kidding, LOL.Boys will be boys.
PS. We have a different Cont. ed standard than in Florida. We have to only do 24 hours every 2 years for license renewal, so I go to whatever sounds interesting rather than wait til the last minute and take 2 day crash course.
You know you didn't have this special child by accident! Children learn from exposure, so this tells me she has a pretty special mom...course I already knew that! I have a very dear friend in Winter Park Florida (she works for Orange County Sheriff as a Dispatch Officer). Are you anywhere nearby? Who knows, I may get that way again yet!
How wonderful......you and your daughter are VERY special - and I have known that for several years now.....I too am in awe of both of you.......
What a thoughtful girl!
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