Okay, all you Little French Girl lovers...here's what I have been able to find out...
I can get this copied in 2 different ways. I had a copy made at a regular FedEx-Kinko's and it came out so-so. Not all that bad, but as I told you, and as you can see in the photo above, there is some water staining on the bottom. It's not close to the little girl herself and does not affect her at all...but, when copied, it does leave a slight shadowing. Now, it's all far enough down on the edge that you will probably want to cut it off anyway to make it fit in a regular sized frame. As you see her, she is 13" x 17".
Of course, the down side to this is that the copy is just on regular "tabloid" paper and is very thin. If you just want to trim it up and frame it...probably okay. The colors aren't quite as vibrant, but it's okay. I can get it copied and mailed, priority mail, for a total of $8.
So...have you visited my Mom over at Pie In The Sky Studio? She's an artist working in many different mediums and one of her "art connections" will scan and print this as a giclee', but the price goes up! This is basically a professional scan/printing process that many artists use to sell cheaper prints of their art work...my Mom does this with her work. So, we are now talking more in the $20 dollar range. I was supposed to get the final price today, but he had to leave his shop for something important and couldn't meet with me...now it will be Monday before I know for sure!!
So, on Monday I will have the final price for the professional print and then you can decide. If anyone wants her at the $8 price, I will get it done and out as soon as possible. For those that want to wait and see what the other one will be, that's okay by me!
So, now dear friends, I will leave it up to you! Another post on Monday...sometime, cause I have real world work that day...will give you the info you need to decide. Just let me know what you wanna do...and have a great weekend!!
80 degrees you say? I'm coming on down there! lol We don't have temps that warm here until late June!!!
This little girl is toooo cute! =)
Wow! I KNEW she was on the potty! Hee-hee! Your garage sale, while hectic, sounded like a success! I had one a few years ago and after haggling with a man over the price of a vase he refused my price...wasn't until later I realized, when not looking, he had STOLEN it! I mean, at a garage sale? Truthfully, because of that it was my last one!
Wow! I KNEW she was on the potty! Hee-hee! Your garage sale, while hectic, sounded like a success! I had one a few years ago and after haggling with a man over the price of a vase he refused my price...wasn't until later I realized, when not looking, he had STOLEN it! I mean, at a garage sale? Truthfully, because of that it was my last one!
Let me know Cassie when you find out the price and if it's too high for me, well darn...I'll take the 8 dollar bargain priced one!!!
Let us know when you find out the price dear Cassie. You are so sweet to do this...and I really never meant for you to go to all of this trouble unless YOU are making a little from it too. After all, it IS your print and YOUR time...right?
I do want her in some fashion!
Have a sweet Sunday!
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