Thursday, June 21

What Happens In The Kitchen, Stays In The Kitchen

Hectic day here...but wanted to get this in before we called it quits for today. Let's our last episode, we were looking at everything outside...time to move in!

I have to tell you this in order to tell you the next thing. Our house is in a constant state of "we can't make up our minds what we really want to do''-ness. The Hub and I, shall we say different decorating ideas ("WTF! You want to put talking Star Trek ornaments on the Christmas tree??") so the living areas are always just about done, but not quite. My home office area is my nest, my safe place, the place where the things I really love surround me...and it's off limits to everyone else! But that's for later. So, we can move on into the kitchen where the sign below, given to me by a friend, is prominently displayed for all to see...I am proof positive that having several, many and maybe even hundreds of cookbooks cannot make you a good cook. I mean, those Gooseberry Patch chicks made a dang fortune off of me...I own every one of those books! problem, bring it on! Jello...I'm your girl! But, I do put all of my heart into whatever I make and that has to count for something, right? Too bad you can't taste all that heart because everything tastes pretty icky.....

Had a couple of friends view the new blog and their first question was "What's up with that weird banner?" Weird? Really? The name...Mockingbird "To Kill A Mockingbird".... still not getting it? Okay...for those of you that know the story, there were 2 main kids, Jem and Scout. Then there was poor ol' Boo Radley. Well, the stuff on the banner is the stuff that Boo left in the knothole in the tree for Jem to find and save in the old cigar box. Remember?? Is it still too weird?? Oh I hope not...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! I love the kitchen sign, and adore the banner. Nice work.