All of the pumpkins, Fall leaves and gourds are put away...resting comfortably in their Sterlite tubs already planning their visit for next year! We headed out and got our Christmas Tree's really pretty and full. It was the second one we looked at and we knew it would be just right. No decorations yet....The Hub likes to get the tree in the stand, water it down for a couple of days and let the branches drop before we add any lights. I got a few things out, but hope that Bailey will stop by after work and help me get the big stuff out of the attic.
I did do one little thing....this is a basket of vintage clothes pins that sits on my dryer. The lamp has a very low light and looks so nice when I turn it on at night. The basket had some sweet little pumpkins in it earlier today, but now.....
I know...crazy, right? But, I have done this kind of thing for as long as I can remember. Like, Christmas soap & towels in the bathroom and kitchen, Christmas door mat, Christmas rugs in the kitchen. I can't explain it. computer is giving me fits right now. Will not read the picture card or accept the external card reader. I was just online with the Geek Squad a couple of days ago for about an hour....they got it working, but something else is going on. I had to ask The Hub to download the picture and email it to me. I'll have to spend some time with The Geeks one evening this week.
Hope you are all getting in the Holiday Swing...and look...Picnik even lets you add snow to your it!!

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