Halloween is over....again. Where have I been for...oh, say....off & on the last year? I could spin tales of an exciting, uber busy, just "too much going on and not enough time to blog" story, but that wouldn't be honest. Exciting? Maybe a few times. Uber busy? Well, busy enough to just concentrate on day to day is probably true. Too much going on? Maybe not "too much", but enough to throw a wrinkle into almost any plan we have had.
Let's see....since I last spent time here, I am now working full-time and The Hub is retired! Go figure, right? I keep my Real Estate license current, just in case some fabulous deal pops up, but I don't really use it all that much.
Within the family we've had a broken arm, a move to a new house (x2), a back surgery, new jobs, a cancer scare, a couple of hospital stays, bought a house, a relationship break-up, a kid with a kidney stone, a cervical fusion, a herniated disc, a cancer diagnosis...but, wait....it's not all so gloomy! We've got a young man that has found his niche in Health Care and after a couple of months has been offered a full time job, grandkids that are straight A honor roll students, a senior citizen that has written some short stories and won honors...we had lots of good bestowed on us, too.
And, then today, the news that a dear friend has lost her fight with ovarian cancer. Just told a couple of months back that she was cancer free, this horrible disease snuck right back in and stole her away from everyone within weeks. It was not pleasant or easy and she is now At Peace.
Maybe she will know that this moved me enough to continue my online journal. It's fun and I have had the chance to talk with some wonderful people out there and changing out the banner and posting something quick on National Holidays is not enough. I need to do this...for me and for my family. I feel the need to have a witness to my life.
So, dear Deb, many loved you and many will miss you. My wish is that you are pain free and healthy in your new life and we will all feel a bit safer knowing that you are watching over us. I know you are finally At Peace.

So nice to hear from you. I am sorry for the sadness in your life but know that you have had some wonderful, beautiful times too. I made my first trip to Florida in February and am going back to Hollywood Beach in February 2012 for a week pre-cruise. We are in the process of getting the house ready to sell and move to an Active Adult townhome community. I too keep my license active but just do one Open House a month for a ReMax broker. Keeps my hand in and I make a small amount of $$. Not even enamored enough to list my own house, don't want the hassle or the emotional involvement. I'll let you know how it turns out. I know just what you mean about wanting to chronicle your life, but not wanting to be obligated to tell all and keep up with blogging. Some of the blogs are feeling so pretentious sometimes and I just don't want to follow along trying to keep up with the Jones, if you know what I mean.
Let's keep in touch.
Hey sweetie...I so understand. This year has been awful for me too so we are in it together! I practically gave up on blogging all together. But PLEASE stay in touch with me no matter what okay? I have always adored you.
I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. I know this pain and I hate how you are facing it as well. We just lost our next door neighbor and dear friend very suddenly. Massive heart attack. He was only 60. This coming on the heels of losing a dear cousin after the same affliction. He was just 50. Makes for lots of internal inspection!
Sending you many warm and loving hugs...bless you Cassie.
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