Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adders fork and blind-worm stings, lizard's legs and owlet's wing, for a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell broth boil and bubble. Wm. Shakespeare

The spell has been cast and the brooms are at the ready.....

We need to fly by the light of the moon.
Do not ask questions! I can see all of your faces,
Without fail I will lead you, to the Most Haunted Places.
And then to the next and the next we will fly,
We will speak to the spirits as they watch us go by.
We'll return to this place thinking of all we have seen,
And then we'll be ready for a Happy Halloween.
(click the link to visit these scary places)
(click the link to visit these scary places)
Eat some candy for me, will ya? As soon as I clean up the kitchen, I'll join you........