I had no idea this was done.
I thought you might want to see.
These wreaths -- some 5,000 -- are donated by the Worcester Wreath Co. of Harrington, Maine. The owner, Merrill Worcester, not only provides the wreaths, but covers the trucking expense as well. He's done this since 1992. A wonderful guy. Also, most years, groups of Maine school kids combine an educational trip to DC with this event to help out. Making this even more remarkable is the fact that Harrington is in one the poorest parts of the state.
Morrill Worcester initially brought 4,000 surplus wreaths from the holiday decoration company he owns to adorn gravesites at Arlington in 1992. Every year since then he has set aside several thousand wreaths especially for that purpose, driving to Arlington in December with a trailer full of decorations and dozens of volunteers to distribute them throughout the cemetery. As Mr. Worcester told an Air Force reporter in 2005:

The lights, the glittery ornaments, the fancy cookies...all part of a holiday most cannot wait to celebrate. But while you are out shopping for your special ones, enjoying something warm in front of your fire or getting together with friends and neighbors, let's not forget the ones that make all of this possible. Please share this post with those that are meaningful to you...there were lots of people taking virtual Holiday Home Tours this week...ask them to stop by here, too.
What a wonderful post. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us.
How beautiful...having a family member in Arlington, this is especially touching. I think Americans must be the most giving people in the world, we give as much as we can, and as evidenced here, some give all...being the wife of a Veteran, it makes it all come clear...thanks for this post.
This is a beautiful sight...we were there just once during the holidays. It IS moving...thank you for posting this sweet Cassie.
Thanks so much or posting this. It makes me stop and think.
I had no idea that this went on. It's fantastic. Thanks for telling us about it.
I read this on another post Cassie and thought it was wonderful. Thanks for sharing it as well.
Hi Cassie, this is very special and it was so wonderful to see it on your blog. I also saw this in person when I was in Washington. Your blog is lovely and I have so enjoyed my visit. Thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas!
Wow, this is touching. I am so glad you shared this! This is my first visit here, thanks so much. You have a lovely blog,
thanks for sharing these photos! we all need a little reminder once in awhile to stop and remember the people who serve us so well!
What a wonderful, wonderful post...we are going to try to see if he has a website so we can tell him how wonderful we think he is, too! Thanks for sharing...you have truly blessed us today!
Merry Christmas blessings,
kari and kijsa
Seeing that you had already stopped by, thought I'd check in to see if you'd started your Tagging duties yet...I see you haven't...get busy! Christmas is upon us! Oh, and have they caught that thief that stole your card?
Stunning photo. What a wonderful tribute to those who gave so much for our country. Thanks for passing it along.
Best wishes~
What a dramatic sight those photographs are. And what a wonderful story. It is such a beautiful way to honor our soldiers.
Thank you so much for showing this. So many who paid the highest price for our freedom. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Mary
I tagged you for Christmas Hoopla. So tomorrow after your closings and before the celebration begins, please post 12 Christmas related things about yourself and tag someone else. It's the least you can do with 2 closings just before Christmas,LOL.
Merry Christmas,
Just checking in Cassie...hope you are well and the thief in jail...maybe I'll write a song!
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