I really hope they get married...wouldn't that be so cool?? But, you know who I really wanna see. Come on, Luke and Laura are so sweet, but let's get real. We really tune in everyday to see...DR. NOAH DRAKE !! *Have Mercy* (thanks, Uncle Jessie) Don't you just love his feathered hair? And the way he pushes up the sleeves of that lab coat? Who knew a lab coat could look so good...?
Whatever....it's now 2007 and I am still just as in love with Rick Springfield now as I was then and I am going to see him in concert on December 8th!!!!!
This is actually my seat ticket, but undoubtedly, I will be standing down on the main floor...until I get too tired. Then I will go to my seat.
I have seen him several times in South Florida and here in Orlando. I even happened to be in Atlanta at a business convention a couple of years ago and he was the FREE entertainment on the last night! I was totally shocked when some woman on the elevator very sarcastically said "Who is he exactly?". Not to worry, Rick...I got your back. "He is the one and only Dr. Noah Drake. Ya know, General Hospital? Jessie's Girl? Don't Talk To Strangers?" Geez lady, did you grow up under a rock?

He puts on a great show...one of those that you can sing along with just about every song and he does his signature rose thing. Ladies in the crowd bring bunches of roses and he takes them and flips them across his guitar, sending rose petals flying all over.....makes him look so dreamy...
Two years ago he did a show at The House Of Blues here at Disney and the next morning, The Hub and I were off on our first Alaskan vacation. Yea, well guess who was in OUR security line and at OUR gate and on OUR plane?? He was in first class and I walked several paces behind him when we changed planes in Seattle. He just walked through the airport, completely unnoticed. No way!! I was like, screaming inside!! I immediately took advantage of the Seattle layover and called everyone that I could to tell them about my incredible experience. Most really could have cared less and my Mom said "Who did you see?". Oh, Mother.

How does The Hub feel about all of this? Since he knows the odds are ...oh, I don't know...about 50 gazillion million to 1 that I could act on any of this, he just shakes his head and chuckles. He even let me keep a life sized poster...yes, life sized...in my office. And, he doesn't even get rattled when he hears me in the driveway with my Rick Springfield Greatest Hits CD blaring as I pull up to the front of the house. He's a peach!
So, let the countdown begin. If you happen to be at Hard Rock Live in Orlando on December 8th, I will be in that crowd of middle aged ladies magically transported back to the 80's. If you're there early enough, you will be able to find me standing down front, roses in hand. If you get there a bit later, I'll meet you in the balcony!
Wishing you all a great weekend...hug those close to you....
Ahhh! That is very well written, and I must say, I'm with ya on that one. The part about the 80's clothing...what a hoot, but so true. I also went into parachute pants and half shirt mode for a few years!
I've loved that man since a tender young age as a music lover. He'll always rock in my book. :)You're right. His live shows are something to behold. The rose explosion is the best! Very cool about your airport spotting of Rick. Now, you need a meet and greet. I met him last year for the 1st time and he's a doll, as I knew he would be.
I'm awaiting a close-range show, a Christmas CD, his '08 release and also some new scenes for Noah this fall!
Have fun in Orlando. :)
And rock on forever Rick!
Rick is still so sexy! Have a great time!
Oh you've got it BADDDD!!!! lol All those 80's memories you've conjured up, too! Have fun at the concert! I wrote a post sometime in October about my hubby who was a drummer in the 80's, and that he looked sooo much like Joe Elliot of Def Leppard (who I had a BIG crush on). But you've DEFINITELY got me beat with THIS one! lol
The 80's clothing is just to funny...but I did love those shoulder pads:).
Have a great time at the concert, love the music. Linda
i too, watched luke and laura, and i loved rick springfield, and my SISTER got to see him in concert! (i was so jealous at the time)
Ah the 80's. I had the leg warmers, slouch socks, stirrup pants, and big hair. Loved Luke and Laura and think we had a big poster of Rick Springfield too.
Thanks for the memories.
You are too funny, I'm still laughing over the shoulder pads...I figured if I didn't look like Joan Crawford from behind, I needed to go back to the drawing board, lol!!!
Hope you have a great time. Mary
Oh yeah, baby. I wish I was Jesse's girl, too. lol
Love that Rick Springfield...forget Luke, forget Laura, forget Bobbie...give me some Noah Drake and I'm a happy, happy GH junkie. (okay.okay...I'm coming back to the present now. just give me a minute more....)
My friend and I went to see Rick in Saratoga, August of '83(I believe that was the year! dratted Old Timers!). I wore my pink pumps for a better view. Now that I remember along with the man and his music. Swoon. You are a gal after my own heart!
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