First...I must thank Janet over at House Peepers for giving me this wonderful award!

When we first started "talking", Janet didn't have a blog of her own...she insisted that it wasn't something she wanted to tackle. Well, there must have been quite a few of us who just kept on pushin' and now she is up and running and...since she is a Realtor, just like me...she has shown us pictures of some great homes in her neighborhood. Anyway...thanks Janet, for being so generous! I am so excited about the many new friendships I have made and hereby bestow this on all of you!! It would be too difficult to single out {{{hugs}}} to all of you...
I did treat myself to something small while I was taking my Mom home yesterday...and if you are a JT fan (Beachy Louise, do ya hear me talkin' to ya??) you will LOVE it.

Like just about everyone, we have started a bit of Christmas in our house...well, outside our house. We planted red and white pansies in the front garden and in the back. They still look a bit shell shocked from the big planting yesterday, so I'll get their picture when they have adjusted! I also got some of the Santa's down for inside and spent some time sorting through the vintage ornaments I've collected. Some are from The Hub's family and others I have picked up at yard sales and such.
These are just a few and that pink one in the middle is one of my favorites. I have some old silver bowls that must have been awards or something because they are engraved and dated from the 30's through the 50's, and they will hold all of these. Using vintage Christmas sheet music as the place mats, the bowls filled with the old ornaments, and Godinger silver candle holders with creamy white candles, our coffee table will be the prettiest thing in our living room!
I know it's going to be a busy, busy month ahead and I am really looking forward to getting ready for Christmas with all of you. Let the decorating begin...except for Kari, who is way ahead of us all..she's all finished!! Gotta be at my real world job all day I hope you all enjoy your Sunday!
Congratulations on your award...very nice!
Love James Taylor...I must get that CD for sure.
Your Christmas ornament collection is wonderful but I want to know about the sock monkey collection I spy inset in your banner. How cool is that!!!
Sweet Baby James does it again, lol...I love that those are some great looking really should share...I love the little glass? house...used to have a few of those...picked them up in Harrods the Christmas before we left England. The boys have custody of them now, to ya later
Gotta love sweet baby JT! He is still wonderful!!
Your decorating will be fabulous I know. The ornaments you show are so such things. Now, you must tell us about the sock monkeys!!
I am so glad you had such a sweet Thanksgivin' Day! OH and I SO understand about movies. I watch the same ones over and over and my Mom has never gotten that. : ) I have all of these DVDs and I will still watch, even the ones I own, when they are on TV. Sit there and rattle off the dialogue like a goof ball. BUt there are worst habits I guess...and I have some of THOSE too!
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