Are you ready boys and ghouls?? Zombies will be out and about in Orlando tomorrow so keep your distance and wear a hat, 'cause brains are a Zombie's favorite snack!! is the Screamfest Zombie Walk and I am way beyond excited! Screamfest is a ginormous horror convention and people come from all over to attend. There are movie showings, classes on horror make-up and special effects, really cool stuff to buy and lots of autograph tables with actors from classic horror films! Freddy Kreuger, the guy from Friday the 13th and his Mom (Betsy Palmer)...oh, lots and lots. Of course...if you're not a horror movie fan this probably all seems very ....
This is an event being checked for entry into the Guinness Book Of World Records...for the most zombies, of course...and they are hoping for 800 + people. You can do your own makeup or get it done there...I am opting for letting the pro's do it! I've been trying to convince The Hub to be my partner in gore and I think it might actually be working. If nothing else, he will probably be there to take pictures so I can give a full report!
I've been trying to contain all of my Halloween excitement, but it's been tough. (Have you found Frank and his Bride on the page yet?) We always have a HUGE Halloween Party, but with everything that's gone on the past few months, including our last minute Alaska trip, we decided to pass this year. It was a tough decision and all of our friends have asked us about it, but we just had to say no...and plan something really great for next year! It takes about a week to do everything...The Hub takes the time off work to help me get ready. We completely re-do the inside of the house...last year we hung almost 500 bats from the rafters in the living room...and we get cornstalks from Georgia (corn is scarce in F-L-A) to tie around the front porch and make a cornfield in the back yard. The Hub has commercial style fog machines and we have scary music outside and things that move and talk...oh yea, we really love Halloween!
Can't wait till tomorrow...but, just so you don't think I'm a couple sandwiches short of a picnic, there is a good deed going on tomorrow, too. A BLOOD drive will be set up and I intend to give whatever I can....SINCE I'LL BE REPLACING IT LATER!!! (mmwwwhhhaaaahhhhaaaa)
Details at 11.........
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