Tuesday, October 30
It's A Party !!!
Monday, October 29
Happy Fall Y'All Bloggy Give Away
Here it is...this huge giveaway that anyone can be a part of and it's being hosted by Shannon over at Bloggy Giveaways. She had a summer one that had over 500 different giveaways, so get on over there and sign up for something! My gift is listed below... leave a post and keep your fingers crossed. And, be sure to visit Shannon at her regular site Rocks In My Dryer!
Anyway, I'm joining the list and my giveaway is a Paula Deen Cookbook!! This is "Paula Deen & Friends, Living It Up, Southern Style" The book is brand spankin' new and has beautiful photos inside. And, no, the vintage kitchen stuff in this picture is not part of the deal!!
Giveaway open to bloggers and non-bloggers who live anywhere! Please leave a comment on this post anytime through Saturday, November 3rd and a winner will be chosen on Sunday, November 4th.
Ya'll have fun...
Sunday, October 28
Tons O' Fun On Sunday.....
Really, the house I was in IS a very cute, totally re-done vintage cottage...I mean, cuteness all over the place.
It's only about 6 blocks from downtown and is in the historic section so we had quite a few lookers. I even had one couple ask if the house was open....what, are the OPEN flags not a giveaway? The front door is OPEN, there is an OPEN sign in the front yard and I'm handing out OPEN HOUSE flyers...are you kidding me?? This may be part of my problem...trying to talk to these people with a straight face. But, let's move on...
Built in 1955, 1 bedroom and 1 bath, completely re-done. New electric, new roof, new plumbing, new central air & heat...such a deal!

Living Room has all new windows and looks out on the pretty street. Lots of big, old oak trees here ....

Sweet little bathroom...love those vanity lights!
And, one of the neatest things is this detached workshop. I think it would be a FABULOUS studio for painting, sewing, crafting...whatever. But, it's pretty neat the way they made it look like the "big house'.
Anyway...met some interesting people and even had one lady visit a couple of times, followed by some pretty serious conversation. Possible buyer?? Oh please, please, pretty please!
The weather was nice and breezy and the rain stayed away until everyone was done, so there's not a whole lot more to ask for! Hope you all had a good weekend...talk soon...!
Friday, October 26
And...The Winner Is.....
She's got 'em....
Two more great ladies....Janet from MA (she doesn't have her own blog yet...maybe this will get her started, huh Janet??) and Andi from Andi's Everyday Adventures!
So there you have it...and as soon as I get addresses from you 3 special ladies, I will get the packages out to you! Thanks so very, very much to all that entered 'cause it has been great fun getting everything ready. Now the only thing I will ask is that you post some pictures of your winnings so we can see everything!
Thanks to everyone that has stopped by for a visit this past week....ya'll come on back!
Thursday, October 25
Halloween Giveaway...Last Chance!!
Wednesday, October 24
For Kari, Sandi & Joey...
"When I Get Where I Am Going"
Sunday, October 21
New Stuff For THE HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY..and New Pictures!!
Meet the Halloween King & Halloween Queen. I know, not really Fall, but they stay out, too!
Look at these cutie pie faces....
And, my favorite Peppercorn Candle surrounded by sunflowers and such...you can also get a glimpse of my gourd Jack-O and the Basket O' Pumpkins on the fireplace hearth...
Thursday, October 18
Each box has a surprise inside:
1. A SKELETON Key (yuk yuk) and a pair of old dice,
2. Vintage game pieces spell the word "Scary",
3. Really old Scrabble letters spelling out "Halloween".
Next, this cute mummy (if that's possible for a mummy) with a Jack bucket and a candy corn from my own Halloween Collection!
Next, this wacky Jack, star and candy corn garland...kind of funky and fun!
Next, B-O-O in sparkly silver glitter on black organza ribbon. This will travel to you wrapped in vintage sheet music.
I've got a couple other neat surprises...but if I show them to you, they won't be surprises! It's been so much fun getting this together...you've got 1 week...let the posts begin!!
Wanna Do The Zombie Walk??

No...really...it is the Screamfest Zombie Walk and I am way beyond excited! Screamfest is a ginormous horror convention and people come from all over to attend. There are movie showings, classes on horror make-up and special effects, really cool stuff to buy and lots of autograph tables with actors from classic horror films! Freddy Kreuger, the guy from Friday the 13th and his Mom (Betsy Palmer)...oh, lots and lots. Of course...if you're not a horror movie fan this probably all seems very ....
This is an event being checked for entry into the Guinness Book Of World Records...for the most zombies, of course...and they are hoping for 800 + people. You can do your own makeup or get it done there...I am opting for letting the pro's do it! I've been trying to convince The Hub to be my partner in gore and I think it might actually be working. If nothing else, he will probably be there to take pictures so I can give a full report!
Tuesday, October 16
Enjoy Alaska With Us !!!
I'm Really Trying, Honest I Am !!!!
I have been trying to get some %@#$&^*()@!#$% slide show thing to work and just can't get it together. I will try later...ppffffttt!!!
Sunday, October 14
I Know, I Know...Long Time, No Write...
First...I must thank The Hub for filling in and making me feel oh so special! We did have an amazing Alsaka trip and, considering we only had a little over a week to pull it together, it was so much fun. Whatever Alaskan wildlife you can think of, we saw and we visited the winery, the brewery, the float plane lodge, the discovery centers, both of The Hubs played golf, the shops and the restaurants. No one would ever accuse me of missing a meal, but Holy Crap, we ate 3 (or 4) meals a day, each day. Every. Day. As we would be getting up from breakfast (normally non existent in our house) we would be trying to decide where to have lunch...it was like a sickness...and I have the added 6 pounds to prove it!
Three days after getting back from the Alaskan Food-A-Palooza, I had to accompany my Mom to her sister's in Virginia. Spent 5 days there seeing lots of historic stuff...and spent an incredible afternoon on the Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park. I even brought home some acorns that were just laying on the ground waiting for me (dork). Got home from Virginia Tuesday afternoon and left on Wednesday morning for Chicago to handle the final burial arrangements for The Hub's aunt. Services on Thursday and back home that afternoon. Back to real life...work, problems, laundry....ick. But, a great real life it is...so let's move on. Guess I will try and give you a trip overview and then add pictures over the next couple of days...I am at real life work NOW, so no picture access. Sorry.....
Those that have read previous posts may know that I am one of those chronically late people. Always 15 minutes late. Always. No matter when I get started or how much time I allow...always. Don't like that about myself, but it is what it is. And, I think I may speak for a few others here when I say that standing around telling us the time and saying "I'm ready" doesn't help. It would be a bit more helpful, if you care to know, to say..."Is there anything I can do to help you?" :)
Wednesday morning, 4:15AM. Time to get up. I really thought I was ahead of the game this time by having most of the packing done the night before. Too much confidence, should have known better. We have to meet our friends at the airport at 6AM and we live very close, so leaving at 5:40 was the plan. Without too many details, let's just say that The Hub was ready before me and quite happy to tell me about it. The pressure was on. Wanting to look nice for the trip, I was determined to put on all of my make up and do the many steps that project requires. "It's 6:25", he reminds me. The pressure mounts. I pull the eyeshadow tube from my make up bag, I open it and run it over my eyelid without a thought. Hmmm...must need a new one, this feels weird. Sticky? Need to rub it in. Are you kidding me??? Lip Gloss. I have put lip gloss on my eyes...and now, I have to start OVER AGAIN!!! You can imagine the rest...and we left at 5:55...ah, yes...15 minutes late. But, our friends did not get mad and cancel the trip, the plane didn't leave without us and all was right in our world. A word of advice...for those that may want a new experience, don't try lip gloss eye shadow. P.I.T.A.
Anyway...I will get the pictures together and show you how beautiful it was. There's stuff I need to tell you about. Halloween, Rick Springfield, The Guinness Book of Records Zombie Walk, Screamfest. No kidding. I've missed you *;)*