Imagine my surprise when I drove in a few days ago and saw this.....
Now...unless you were a frequent visitor you might not really notice the angel, pink flamingo, garden gnome, manatee, goose-in-purple dress landscaping. But, I'm here often enough to recognize that these all come someone's front yard!!!
Must have been some visiting grandkids with some extra time and sleeping grandparents. It took about a week for each piece to find it's way home and it did cause some fuss throughout the neighborhood. It also made me laugh...a lot. Luckily, Mom didn't lose anything to the Front Entrance Fiasco...but I'm pretty sure I saw a chain around the waist of St. Francis last time I was at her house.
Looks like that gnome from Travelocity has some wandering cousins, eh? lol
Or should I say "kindred spirits"? LOL
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