Seems like once you re-do one thing, you have to keep thing just leads to another. We have already been through that when we started to work on the kitchen and bath downstairs and then suddenly decided to just keep going in the family room, foyer and living room.
This house, built in the 50's had a huge makeover sometime in the late 70's and not much done since then. We have made some improvements outside as far as landscaping, decking, etc but the big changes started last June when the downstairs renovation began.
Now, all I can think of is the poor upstairs. The bathrooms have wallpaper that is shiny and textured, brass accents and lucite towel holders. Well, after everything else we have done, the upstairs will have to wait, but I am doing a small re-do (accessory wise) on the hall bathroom.
Trying to go for a "cottage-y look" since the cabinats and counters are almond formica (yikes)...just trying to blend it all. Working with shades of green since the small border tiles are a greenish color:
Here's the cabinet knobs...I don't think they even make these anymore! It's pretty worn, but did have a brass edge all around that cool almond center...
So...replacement with some cute oval shaped glass knobs...thanks, Ebay!
I am really not the lacy, frilly type so a duck cloth shower curtain works for me...yay, Target! The shower curtain rod is kind of a speckled green and I used dark bronze hooks..
For some reason I always think of bird stuff when anyone talks about that whole cottage on to the birds! This is a tea-light holder that was only $4.99 because of his bent legs. That's an easy fix...

This is a tin wall hanging...I don't get the upside down birds...but, whatever, it matches.....

And just a touch of lavender...this looks so real!
I really like this bird shelf and it is just the right green color...

And, here's some stuff to set on the bird the sprayer at the thrift store...$1...

And, finally a bird nest mirror. Who doesn't love a bird nest mirror?

I really think I need a picture for color but better get all of this up first. One thing leads to another leads to another.....