So...I got a gift certificate from my favorite Aunt to a small boutique across the street from my office. I was so pleased because they carry one of the things I treasure most...Brighton!! Now, I am not a big jewelry girl and I don't switch purses or shoes very often...but, I heart Brighton, big time! I had already been in looking at the stock when the owner said, "Wait until we come back from Market" which is where they go to do all of the buying. And a couple of days later I got this in the mail:

So...I've been waiting and I finally made the move. It comes in a pretty red bag with imprinted ribbon.....
And it is just as pretty as the picture! Love the red (my favorite color) and Brighton is donating $10 from each sale to the American Heart Association's Go Red For Women movement, so that's a good thing. I have the one from last year, but I just think this one is wonderful! Can you see the red dress charm? bracelet, cool quote, cool Brighton!
I've been tagged by Sandi for a very thought provoking list and I've got to do some thinking about that...enjoy the weekend!
Brighton is just timeless, what a great piece and thanks for sharing your bracelet!
:0) Tara
Oh how beautiful. I am so loving this and drooling with envy! Lovely!
Love and hugs,
That is very pretty - lucky you to have such a thoughtful Aunt who knows how much fun YOU would also have picking out something special.
Good morning! I'd love to be on your Places you Must See List--what an honor to be added! Thank you so much! :0)
I "heart" Brighton too Cassie!!! Love that bracelet...very nice!
Oh I love bracelets, and especially this one!!! You need to share!
Oh I love bracelets, and especially this one!!! You need to share!
I love Brighton, I really do. Ever since I discovered them, I have been SMITTEN, to say the least. I don't wear bracelets because they just drive me nuts, but I swear...Brighton bracelets are almost enough to make me change my mind. lol
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