Yep...been summoned for Jury Duty 4 times. Been picked for a Jury 4 times. 4 times. Theft, DUI, Murder...been there and been picked. 4 times.
Monday, April 27
Just In Case You Are Looking For Me
Yep...been summoned for Jury Duty 4 times. Been picked for a Jury 4 times. 4 times. Theft, DUI, Murder...been there and been picked. 4 times.
We Need Your Help....

How You Can Help In Mere Seconds *Every Day*
The Breast Cancer Site provides a feel-good way to help promote awareness of breast cancer and provide free mammograms for women in need every day — through easy and quick online activities.
With a simple, daily click of the pink "Click Here to Give - it's FREE" button at The Breast Cancer Site, visitors help to provide free mammograms for women in need. Visitors pay nothing. Mammograms are provided by our charitable partners.
Please remember to click every day to fund free mammograms and give hope to women in need. Every click counts toward the goal of early detection, which allows for the best possible treatment options.
Thursday, April 23

Tuesday, April 21
Just Thinkin'
I love the blogs that are all sweetness & light and pretty music and have been wondering if it's time to change things up a bit here at Mockingbird Hill.

I have read that some of the ladies purposely write about everything good because they think that's the reason people be cheered or comforted in some way. That's not really me.... (I mean "writing about just the good stuff" part)
I do like the sweet music and almost ethereal feeling I get when I visit some places....but I am a 60's/70's music girl and can't imagine a day without that. So, that's not really me, either....
And, I do love the pink roses and ribbons but red is my favorite color and I have had a few people tell me that the red here is sometimes a surprise, but they like it, too!

But, I also know that change is usually good and keeps things interesting, so I'm looking around for something that is different but still says "me". Oh, I'm sure it will involve a change in color but I'm not sure I can do away with the music. I am so loving the list in the playlist it.
Anyway...just thinking.
Sunday, April 19
Windy, Windy, Windy
Anyway...after a couple of chilly days(like 40 degrees chilly!) I think we've seen the end of the coolness. Now we are gearing up for typical FL days...high temps & high humidity.
The whole Fair was tons of fun and we even had the chance to meet LUCY RICARDO!! She loved everything we had done and wanted to get a picture with our Bad Girl can read all about everything here: Bad Girls of the South.
Seems like I'm over the worst of my sickness...and, wouldn't you know The Hub has been under the weather, too. Maybe it is time for some sunny weather!
Monday, April 13
Sunday, April 12
Saturday, April 11
Okay...Check This Out...
Windows Live Writer
You have to sign up (as usual) and then download a simle program...but it actually publishes to your blog for you! I open up a word document, use whatever color and font I want and copy & paste into their Blogger format. Really far. There's lots I haven't done that is editing and stuff like that...but, I just like being able to change things up a bit. :)
Anyway...Happy Saturday!
Monday, April 6
I found this cool thing that lets you
do funky stuff to your blog post…
You can change fonts and colors….
Add pictures…
Looks like you can really do just about anything!
I’ll let you know all about it once I have it figured out…