Sunday, May 4

Take A Walk With Me

The weather was just about picture perfect this weekend...but you can tell the hotness is coming! Everything is in bloom and looking so pretty that I just want to share it all with you.

Here's the fountain in our front yard....

This plant is an agapanthas and we didn't realize until it started to bloom that it comes in lavendar or white! I just love the way they sway in the breeze..

Here's a white one just before it's ready to open...about 3 more days. See that little green spider??

There are cone shaped trees and these on both sides of our front walk...each one of those tall stems will open! Love. It.

Cone tree...I don't know what it is, but it has teeny white flowers and stays green all year.

Bougainvillea. These are all over and come in lots of colors. We have the fuschia and orange, but I've seen them in deep purple, white and shades of pink.

Marigolds. I am not a lover of this...they are too round. I can't explain it, really. But, they can take the heat and don't take too much care. We've got yellow and gold in the front yard and in the back.

Confederate Jasmine. This vine has really taken off in the past couple of months.....

It smells so sweet! As soon as you come out of the back door you know it's there.

Just outside of the back door is this combination of two different climbing vines, Mandavilla and Alamanda.

Never seen a bug like this...electric blue, red and black and white polka dot wings.

And...since I am a believer in karma, superstition and all of that, we have a little gargoyle in the planter by the front door to keep bad stuff away!

Hope your weekend was great and that spring is looking good wherever you are!

**PS** Sandi asked what type of camera I use. It's just a little HP Photosmart R727...skinny enough to fit in my pocket. A really nice camera is on my wishlist!


Janet said...

Your pix are great; I envy you Southerners your spring, but not your summers. We have sunshine today after a rainy, cold (40s) weekend.


Jean said...

Thanks for the walk! I really need the exercise! Love all your garden shots! Come on over tomorrow and sign up for Bloomin' Tuesday.

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

Wow! I'm moving to YOUR house. I want to become ONE with your fountain! lol The very next time Randey leaves on an expected trip for work, I'm hitting the road to Disney, Baby! I'll call you so you can show me the sights...including your lovely home! (See? I'm not above inviting myself right on's how I roll. lol)

I'm also going to get a gargoyle. That's JUST what this house needs! I'm a believer in Karma, too - the whole "what goes around,comes around" thing just makes sense to me. Kaleb - our 17 year old - just walked in and is THRILLED at the thought of gargoyle shopping with me. He's been talking about getting one for a long time now. (He's a little smarter, not to mention quicker, than his mother. ha!)

Susie Q said...

I love your yard Cassie...and think you are just about the most creative lady in the world! I am so wanting a fountain like that...: )

If you sent the paypal info, I never got it. If you did not, no worries! I am in no hurry and know you are busy!
Hope your week is going well...

Love ya,