It looks like they are almost finished tearing stuff down and next they will be putting it back together...Remember that big support beam..the one that holds up the second floor? I didn't know how they could practically cut it in half, but they did. Using some supports and re-joining boards here and there (what do I know?), there is now space at the top of the stairs that lead to the lowest level. The Hub is 6'2" and has always had to duck his head whenever he headed down that he's a happy guy.
Oh, darn...the pineapple wallpaper is gone...

What's left of the bathroom plumbing...

The plumbing where the kitchen sink used to be...

Some old brick that was covered in ceramic tile. And, do you see that floor peeking out? If you where in Florida during the 50's, 60's or 70's you have to recognize it....

It's terrazzo! I grew up with this in my house in South Florida and it was kind of cool to see it under the tile...

There is recessed lighting! See that funky round thing near the wooden beam? It's an air conditioner vent. Don't think they make those any more either, but they are going to be replaced, too.
And, speaking of that cool air conditioning, check out the thermostat while these guys are working in there. Yep...and that's the only thermostat in the house, so the sooner they get done wrecking everything and start putting it back together (with the doors and windows closed) the better it will be for everyone. Let's just say the Cranky Level has been running a bit high the past few days...
Anyway...that's how they left us. We took advantage of not having lots of visitors over the long weekend and headed out to "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". If you're an Indy fan from way back don't let the critics scare you away. According to whoever keeps track of box office sales there were enough of us to purchase $311 million dollars worth of tickets...and we can't all be wrong! The Hub is out right now working some magic on the Bar-B-Q...hope your weekend was all that you hoped it would be!