This message was sent to me and with just a couple of switches, I want to share it with all of you:
As we move into the New Year, we look back on all of our struggles and triumphs of 2008 and realize we have much to be thankful for. Let us give thanks for our families, our friends and our health. Give thanks for those we love and for those that love us and have loved us. Remember with a happy heart those we lost and celebrate those that are still with us. Let us pray for soldiers that are defending our country and their families, those that have lost their jobs or their homes. No matter what your political orientation, let us pray especially hard for the new President to give him the courage, the strength and the wisdom to lead our country into a new era of prosperity and peace.
While we make our New Years' resolutions with true determination to stick with what we want and know we can achieve, remember that our resolutions' success or failure do not define who we are. We are defined by our actions.
Please join me in this coming year to strive to be kinder, more giving, to laugh more and cry less and to live life to the fullest no matter what the circumstance. Remember that to have a friend, you must be a friend....and to you, my friends, I wish you all a Happy & Healthy 2009!
I wish you a very happy New Year!!
Your blog looks great!! ;)
Warm greetings from a cold Netherlands,
What a wonderful post.
Happy New Year!
What a wonderful sentiment! A very Happy New Year to you and yours! Jean
Hi Cassie! Long time, no blog chat!Thanks so much for all of your thoughtfulness this season- as you can see (since I posted it on my blog), I loved the Disney "Me" video. That was so cool! I sent that to my dh and totally had him fooled...lol! I think we will be visiting your neck of the woods next fall sometime, after he gets home. Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying your New Year's celebration. This post is so true- thanks for sharing it!
Take Care-
I saw a sign that said "Wag more, bark less" I thought it was so cute and funny!
So my HUGE auction ended LOL and you get the dog :) I'm looking for your email address....here's mine:
Thanks Cassie; that was a very nice reminder. I really appreciate your cards and thoughts these last months. Let's raise a glass to a healthier real Estate market in 2009 too.
Happy, happy new year to yu dear Cassie...to you and your precious family. May there be blessings aplenty for you all in 2009!
Happy New Year Cassie, and that is a wonderful post loaded with things we need to do that will improve life for all of us.
Well said Cassie!! Thank you for the gift of YOU! Will I see you at Heritage this year?? That would be way cool! I hope to have more time here thru next year!
Greetings dear friend! Happy New Year to you and yours. I hope that 2009 is your best ever.
Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt post.
See you soon.
hugs, Celestina Marie
I'm a rerun here! Just had to say thank you and you made my evening! I am sooo looking forward to meeting you at Heritage!!!Any special day???
Happy Dance!
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