Well...technically not me, but my sweet buddy Jake! And, here he is, all wrapped up in sheets fresh out of the dryer....
Yes, we are cat people, just no two ways about it. A bit strange, really, because growing up our family always had dogs. Then when my sister and Dad got into showing horses, we moved out to 5 acres, built a barn and at one point had 9 dogs. Went to school...had dogs. Got married...had dogs. Had a baby...had dogs. Got divorced...got cats. Maybe it was just time to change everything!
About 10 years ago, just after 3 hurricanes criss-crossed Central FL one after the other, our 16 year old Tuxedo cat died. Cancer...a pretty common thing for cats of old age. Vowing to never own another pet, but struggling with a broken heart, I headed to the shelter. Oh yeah...Daughter and I found brothers, about 6 months old, in a cage together. We looked at lots of kitties that day, but all we could think of was "What if they get split up? What if these brothers can't stay together?" So a quick...and I do mean quick...call to The Hub and home we went with 2 marmalade brothers! It was meant to be...they are quirky and fun, fight like all brothers do, but are utterly devoted to us and I cannot imagine how empty our lives would be without them.
And...here's brother Woody:
Anyway....hope you guys are all enjoying Fall...wherever you are! Take Care.....

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