Talk to you in a couple of days! **cough**
Friday, January 15
Tuesday, January 12
Please, Sir...May I Have a Bit More?
Have no idea if it was the smell of that soup or the butter on that bread, but sweet Woody was just sitting on the floor, staring up at Hub as if he hadn't eaten a thing all day. The Hub just wouldn't even look his way. Woody does not like to be ignored...this was his way of asking for just one teeny, tiny taste...

Friday, January 8
Trying To Stay Warm
Wednesday, January 6
Just How Cold Is It?

Right now, here in "The Sun 'n Fun Capital Of The World" it's a mere 42 degrees! Yes...down to 30 tonight, but the big chill is coming overnight on Saturday...a drop to 26 degrees!
Please know that I am not complaining, really...I can't begin to imagine how all of you in the snowbound regions are coping with that. But, we Southerners are not set up for this. We do not have overcoats or gloves or even really thick socks!!
The picture above is from our fireplace...the fire is winding down but it's been going strong since about 5:30 this afternoon. Lucky us. :)
Tuesday, January 5
It Was A Good Time
It always passes so quickly! Lots of preparations and excitement…days and days it seems…and then..gone! We took the main tree in the Living Room out yesterday…officially the end of Christmas. Here’s a glimpse…
My Mom, The Daughter and The Nephew….pretty good lookin’ bunch!
Three generations…Me, My mom, The Daughter and My Sister….
Sorry…a pie distraction! Yea…you are seeing it right…Cherry Pie & Banana Cream Pie! Oh…and let’s not forget the “made from scratch” Date Nut Bread, Crumb Pie, Brownie Pie, Peppermint Bark and Red Velvet Cake. Oh my growin’ thighs…!
The Hub and 2 of the grandkids…there were 5 of them there, but just try to get them all together for a picture! GRRRRRR
And…The Daughter & Me. Can you see the sweater she is wearing?? I got that on a thrifting excursion before she was born (almost 26 years ago) and looking at the peacock eye beading and the lining, we are guessing it’s from the ‘40s. Very, very cool.
A wonderful end to what seemed like a very full, and sometimes choppy, 2009! Lots to do in 2010…hope you are all as excited as me!!